DOK SYSTEME is an owner-managed company in the 2nd generation. The team consists mainly of engineers, business economists, lawyers and computer scientists with many years of professional experience.

Innovations are brought into the company in particular through the permanent dialog within the projects, the regular exchange of experience with the market via our Innovation Days, the DOK ICT Trend Forum, cooperation in associations and committees as well as the know-how transfer with the Leibniz University of Hanover. The company has grown continuously in recent years, has been operating profitably for years and has a very good rating.

Quality standards – the ISO 9001 quality management process certification received in 2004 ensures a continual improvement process. Since 2004, we have a non-disclosure agreement from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor for various levels of confidentiality regarding classified materials.

Ein Ort-Zeichen in grau

Nationwide Presence Headquarters
in Garbsen (Hannover)
Southern Branch Planegg (Munich)

Ein Icon in Grau, das einen Menschen im Anzug und Krawatte darstellt

Managing Partner
Dr.-Ing. Jan Steuer

Abstrakte Darstellung von vier Puzzleteilen

Member of the Chamber of Engineers
Lower Saxony, BITKOM, AKNN,
PMeV, Alliance for Cyber-Security

Abstrakte Darstellung eines Stempels

ISO 9001:2015 Certified,
Department of Economics
Security Certificate (Ü2)

Ein Icon in Grau, das drei geschlechtsneutrale Oberkörper abbildet

50 permanent employees,
plus partners and freelancers

Abstrakte Darstellung der Firmenzentrale von DOK SYSTEME GmbH

Founded 1984
New Company Headquarters 1997

Ein Icon, das ein Blatt Papier mit einem Haken rechts unten dargestellt ist


projects successfully realized

Ein Icon, das eine blaue Aktentasche darstellt


years of professional experience


0 Mio.

accompanied procurement volume

Icon eines Menschen, das neben einem Blatt mit Säulendiagramm und Text abgebildet ist


Years of market experience